
Wall of Omens
Creature -- Wall
When ~this~ enters the battlefield, draw a card.

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name expansion rarity artist flavor text original text image
Wall of Omens Murders at Karlov Manor Commander uncommon James Paick "I search for a vision of Zendikar that does not include the Eldrazi."
--Expedition journal entry
When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Wall of Omens Double Masters 2022 uncommon James Paick "I search for a vision of Zendikar that does not include the Eldrazi."
--Expedition journal entry
When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Wall of Omens Double Masters 2022 uncommon Dan Frazier "What will be has always been."
--Wall inscription
When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Wall of Omens Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander uncommon
Wall of Omens Kaldheim Commander uncommon James Paick "I search for a vision of Zendikar that does not include the Eldrazi."
--Expedition journal entry
When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Eternal Masters uncommon "I search for a vision of Zendikar that does not include the Eldrazi."
--Expedition journal entry
When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt uncommon James Paick "I search for a vision of Zendikar that does not include the Eldrazi."
--Expedition journal entry
When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Magic: The Gathering-Commander uncommon James Paick "I search for a vision of Zendikar that does not include the Eldrazi."
--Expedition journal entry
When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Rise of the Eldrazi uncommon James Paick "I search for a vision of Zendikar that does not include the Eldrazi."
--Expedition journal entry
When Wall of Omens enters the battlefield, draw a card.

Abilities (click to find cards with that ability):
When ~this~ enters the battlefield, {effect} (1749)
Draw a card (694)
Defender (234)

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